Natural Ways to Treat Acne during Pregnancy

One of the problems that are often complained of women who are pregnant is black spots freckles of acne in advance. Although it is not always clear what causes acne to get worse during pregnancy, this condition may be caused by excessive oil production (sebum).

Lawrence E. Gibson, M.D, dermatology expert from Mayo Clinic said there are 2 (two) ways to treat acne and treatment. He added, to treat the problem of acne while pregnant, can begin with self-care:

1. Wash your face twice a day. Use a mild cleanser, wipe the face gently and use warm water to clean and rinse it.

2. If you use hair oil everything, protect your face so as not to continue exposed to oily hair.

3. Do not hold, scratch or squeeze acne scars. This habit can happen.

4. If you use cosmetics, use oil-free products. Look for cosmetics that are based on air, noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic.

Drugs become second priority

The use of drugs to treat acne during pregnancy should be the second priority. Any type of drug used in a way applied to the skin or in drinking can be given blood flow, it is very important to be careful in using drugs while pregnant.

Gibson sure, you will experience acne that will appear during pregnancy, go consult a dermatologist or specialist content. With your doctor's directions and directions, you can benefit and risk from various treatment options.

"The use of certain types of drugs can adversely affect the baby,"

Natural Ways to Treat Acne during Pregnancy